Category Universal Salvation/Reconciliation

40 Questions against traditional Christianity and the doctrine of Hell

40 Questions Against Traditional Christianity and the Doctrine of Hell: Universalism

When I was questioning my faith and everything I believed, atheism seemed like the only alternative to traditional Christian doctrines. But atheism didn't satisfy the longing in my heart for purpose and meaning in this life. It didn't fix the depression, it only made it worse. Its logical conclusion is nihilism. So I kept searching.

Baptizing the Nations

What is baptism really all about?My growing up in a fairly conservative denomination (the Mennonites) allowed me to see a certain picture of baptism that most other denominations would probably dismiss. We had used pouring as the method. Although it…

The Pearl

The “Pearl of Great Price” is one of the parables given by Jesus. What does it have to do with a present? This article will attempt to give a study on the idea of the “Approach Present” that God established…

Christmas Time?

Simeon Sees God’s Salvation  from Luke 2: 25 And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon, and this man was just and devout, waiting for the Consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26 And it had been revealed to…