I repeat, hell is a MINSTRANSLATION. It is NOT found in an accurately translated Bible.
If you read a literal, accuracy-focused English Bible translation like The Concordant Version or Young’s Literal Translation, you will not find the word “hell” or terms like “eternal punishment”, “forever and ever”, etc.
If you didn’t speak English, but only spoke the ancient Hebrew and Greek languages in which the Bible was originally written, and you read through the Bible 100 times in Hebrew and Greek with the mindset of a Godly person in Bible days, it would never cross your mind that any such place as hell existed.
The major figures in church history that were very influential in promoting eternal punishment, Tertullian and Augustine, did not know Greek or Hebrew very well, but were reading sometimes inaccurate and inconsistent Latin translations. Their native Greek speaking counterparts such as Origen and Clement did not teach eternal punishment.
In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church ran with Augustine’s ideas, combining pagan ideas about the afterlife and other elements of paganism with Christianity while removing the Bible from the hands of the common people, and the original languages of the Bible fell into disuse, replaced completely by Latin.
This video will explain how to return from the Middle Ages Catholic Latin mistranslation based ideas to the original languages and mindset of Godly people in Bible days, so as to accurately understand the Bible’s message about what happens at death and God’s plan for humanity.

PLEASE READ: For more detailed teaching on this subject from Scripture, see John’s book “Hell Is a Mistranslation”, which you can read AT NO COST TO YOU (see download link below). The book contains more detail and answers to many other questions on this subject not covered in the video.
John Lilley encourages everyone to “test everything” and “hold on to what is good” in obedience to 1 Thess. 5:21, but it is impossible to do that on this subject if you don’t read the book; the book contains a sufficient level of detail for you to begin to make a judgment call on this topic. John Lilley does not expect you to agree with him solely on the content of this video, because it contains only the most basic points. This is the most important subject in the world and the most important subject in the Bible, by far.
What is at stake is whether the God of the Bible has an inner need to see billions of people tortured continually for billions of years, or not. It is worth your time to study.
Make sure to download and view his free PDF book found below:
“When we translate certain keywords in the Bible accurately and think like a Godly person in Bible days, suddenly dozens of logical and philosophical problems regarding the Bible and God are instantly solved, and God’s long-term plans for mankind make perfect sense.” – John Lilley
Watch this video overview if it becomes available again here :