God Loves all Buckees! (Part 1)
Abraham was the first Buckee to get faith. (maybe there were others before him, but he is the “Father of Faith”, so to speak.) We realize though that God is really the Father of Faith and the God of ALL comfort.
Abraham was looking for a city whose builder and maker was God.
God had to give Abraham faith. He didn’t drum it up on his own. We walk by Faith, and not by sight.
There is a flesh way to understand scripture, and there is a spirit way to understand the scripture.
Romans 8:1 is great! “There is, therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not consider the flesh way, but consider the spirit way of understanding scripture.”
The spirit man considers no man after the flesh any longer. We no longer condemn any man.
God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world will be saved through him. (John 3:17)
Jesus said, “Father, I pray that they would all be one, even as you and I are one so that, or in order that the world would know that the father has sent the son. Those believing that the father has sent the son are saved.
Logic would say then that Jesus prayed that all would be saved.
God tells us to pray for the salvation of all mankind. Maybe God is also praying that. (He is.)
Do you think God gets what he prays for?
He tells us to pray everything according to his will, and it will be done for us.
So, if Jesus is our intercessor, and is praying that all mankind would be saved, what’s going to happen?
Now if Romans 8:1 is true, you don’t even need to think about sin, do you? – I asked to My friend.
If God forgot all of our sins.. & remembers them no more… then why should we think about them?
Scripture tells us that it is God who justifies the wicked/ungodly. “What Sin?.. According to God, you are Flawless!
I’ll take either flawless or Blameless, either one.
God was well pleased with what his Son accomplished on the cross. This a Grace Case!
The case of the missing law! Why play with a dead body? The LAW is now DEAD!
Part 2
Grace (Christ) became a curse for us.. for scriptures say “cursed it is everyone who hangs up on a tree.”
Our Life Is Hidden Away… and dying for us, Christ nailed the law to that tree, and we, along with him, were crucified with him.
God was so pleased that he ripped the veil in the temple right down the middle. Who else could rip such a heavy, thick veil down the middle but God or his angels?
Yes, I wake up.. therefore– sin everyday, all day, according to the flesh man. If we consider the old flesh man alive still.
That’s why we do not need to regard any man after the flesh any longer. (including ourselves.)
What would make me ask that Question to my good friend? Because of what he and I talked about the other day on the phone.
My good friend says “My Obedience is laughable.”
Now, obedience to the spirit is definitely different than obedience to the flesh. (Lol.) Saved “Not According to Our Acts” said my friend. “Perceived Good, Bad, and Ugly, God gets his way, what else is there?” ”I’m a dragged groper in the dark.” “Amen?” – my friend’s joking was half serious.
Romans 3:21 says that “A righteousness, apart from LAW, has been revealed from heaven.”
So you want to be righteous? In correct standing with a Holy God? Then you better let Christ do it for you.
Who was it humming “Jesus take the wheel?” (If so, you are fired!) a friend said jokingly…
Now, the flesh is profiting nothing.
Apostle Paul did all kinds of “righteous” deeds, but he called it dung. (basically, shit!)
“That the righteous requirements of the LAW might be fully met in those who walk after the spirit, not by the flesh man way of thinking.” Romans 8:2
What did Jesus mean when he told the woman caught in the act of adultery to “go and sin no more”?
Could that woman really stop sinning? Not in the flesh way of understanding.
If we were to regard righteousness according to the flesh, to stop sinning is impossible! Thus we will always sin or miss the mark or transgress the LAW of God.
But if we we regard righteousness as it has been by the blood sacrifice of the cross of Christ, and not by ourselves, then we are walking according to the spirit way of seeing truth.
Walking in the spirit means realizing where our righteousness comes from.
Those who walk according to the spirit do not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Part 3
Because the flesh way of thinking wants us to see ourselves as sinners, we end up talking a lot about avoiding sin, avoiding pornography, or avoiding masturbation, or sexual promiscuity, or even kissing too soon, etc.
The spirit wants us to see ourselves as clothed in Christ’s righteousness and blameless /flawless.
Let us be regarding no men any longer after the flesh. (No females either.)
The woman caught in adultery, was always going to fulfill her lusts.. until..
Until she saw herself as righteous in Christ. (Fully clothed in the royal robes of beauty.)
The heart of the matter is the love shown us from the cross.
Comparing ourselves among ourselves, we are not wise.
“You suck”… “No, you suck!” (oh shit! we all suck!) But no longer – if we see ourselves in Christ. Now in Christ we no longer suck, dear Buckee!
In Paul’s former life, he was a Pharisee of the Pharisees.
He claimed that he was blameless according to the law. (He lied, of course!)
Paul came to see himself as shit… and Christ as everything!
But we can all be beautiful in God’s sight as we are now considered as a new creation in Christ Jesus.
”Not snow covered shit, but shit transformed into truth!”
Paul is the one that relied upon GRACE to save us. (in Ephesians 2:8,9,and 10.)
“For it is in GRACE that you are saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance as our way of life.”
The GRACE of God wins the game! And “IT IS FINISHED.”
All died in the cross. All were buried with Him. All were raised as a New Creation..
…but many are not yet awakened to this truth.
The woman at the well was also “shit” in the religious Pharisees mind. (They, of course, were most certainly above all that sinning… as they hid the pornographic magazines in their closets…. etc.. lol…)
But anyways, she was beautiful to Christ. And he was moved with compassion enough to set her free.
Jesus did not condemn her. He did tell her of her former five husbands, to let her know that he was aware..
…but he offered her life! The words Jesus used set her free.
The prodigal son met a non-condemning Father.. and was set free by the words of the dad, who ran down that long dusty road, and fell on his neck, and kissed the stinking boy.
The God of all comfort (the Spirit of all comfort) sets us free by his Word. (A grace gift also.)
Christ Jesus came to save sinners! God justifies the wicked! God reconciles the WORLD to himself! God restores ALL! God draws ALL!
So speak life! Speak to the dry bones.. “Live!”
“Christ died for ALL in order to save ALL. In Adam all die! In Christ all shall live!” (1 Cor. 15:22)
Speak to Nikodemus, and Peter as his boat was overflowing with fish, to Nathaniel, to Judas, to John the beloved, and to Pilot who would sentence him..
“What is truth?” Pilot asked. ”I am!” Jesus answered.
Jesus is the Grace approach present. The Truth!
Pilot was not devoid of all truth. He like the rest of us, was devoid of some truth. It was not his time to know the whole truth.
Part 4
God approached us and gave gifts to man.
God was at work in Pilot. His wife also had a dream about Jesus.
Speak to Zacchaeus, the sinner tax collector.. “Come down” … “Today I am dining at your house.”
Salvation from perishing came to the little man Zacchaeus that day.
“Okay Paul. I’m serving chicken artichoke casserole.” A friend chimed in. (I didn’t make it out West yet to his house.)
The woman who had an issue of blood for 18 years found truth that day, and healing. Jesus spoke life to her. The physical healing was not enough in the long run.. She needed ongoing hope!
5000 men, not counting women and children, heard the words of life and saw the miracle of multiplied abundance that day. Life!!!
Jesus met the disciples in the storm.. and he spoke life to Peter.
Life: Zoe life, abundant life… we are hungry for that kind of life.
Peter was a sinking man.. He got afraid..
Jesus reached for him… drew him to himself. And lifted Peter from the water’s clutches.
Jesus Justified Peter! (Just as if he had never sinned.) Why so afraid Peter?
My friend piped up and said: “St. Andrew was an apostle of Jesus. He is the brother of Simon Peter and is a son of Jonah. He is referred to in the Eastern Orthodox Church tradition as the First-Called.”
GRACE called Andrew. God knew he would get exited.
Have faith in God.. Peter and brother Andrew, too! They were all shaking in fear that day on the Sea of Galilee.
“Oh ye of little faith,” Jesus told them.. (probably laughed on the inside, knowing they would all get it someday.. it would finally click when the spirit would transform them.)
Spirit baptism is the only one that matters to us. We get changed in our heart and mind.
Those disciples became Apostles and most died for their faith. Only Judas was gone out of the way for the eon, and the next. (Jesus loves Judas!)
”It is Finished!” becomes the motto of the spirit led man, the Buckee set free..
What percentage of salvation is our part? 10 %? 90 % ?
“It’s All God” – someone answered. “God does it all for us through Christ’s death and resurrection.”
Butterflies die (caterpillar into a cocoon) and are born to new life.
The truth hurts for a bit. Then it heals. God’s word is very sharp.
You are saved, Buckee!
We like the really good news. It is for Fred, and Sam, and Buckee, and all are saved!
“God is the savior of all is great news to behold”, chimed in someone.
Romans 5:12-19 says it really well.
“ALL are cast into sin by one, Adam. And ALL are justified freely ( I like free stuff! ) by the blood of the cross.
Christ is more powerful than Adam.
Nothing that can separate us from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
“What about the love a man has for a fine cigar?” (someone asks) NOPE, that will not separate us from LOVE. That Buckee is still loved!
Law is dead now. Why? Because Love never fails!
A friend loves at all times. (Proverbs 17:17) Is God our enemy or our friend?
Another friend piped in “Well, we are instructed to love our wives as Christ loves the ecclesia.”
He laid down his life. (He must love the ecclesia.)
God is just wringing his hands.. I’ve never seen a young man like Seth! What are we gonna do? (jk)
Adam cast all of us into condemnation.
Who shall rescue us from condemnation? Who will rescue this young man? (A President? Adam? NASA?)
God gets what He wants. (and he’s all out of bubble gum.. or not?) So… If His will wins out, there can be no buts!
At least God never stops loving trolls and such who come into online shows thinking to wreak havoc.
They get saved too in the end. Maybe not now. BUT…
God Loves all Buckees! – Brother Paul (Red)
“A friend loves at ALL times.” (Proverbs 17:17